Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 1

Today, I was given the perverbial green light to begin production on a comic book for an undisclosed publisher (new company), for an undisclosed project. Looks like they want to get the book on the stands in January 2012. Okay. That is plenty of time. At least I hope it is. I'll know real quick if I am in over my head.

A little background on me. My name is Jason, and I am married to a wonderful woman named Clarissa. We are expecting our first child in November. I have a full-time job working in the printing industry as a District Manager. I decided to get a part-time job to bring in extra money.

I graduated from the Academy of Art University in 2003 with a major in Illustration. Since the age of 11, I've dreamed, or obsessed (might be a little more appropriate) of being a "comic book artist". Long story short: went to college, found out I wasn't the best but actually far from it by leagues, got discouraged, gave up, still managed to graduate, got a job not related to art, etc etc. Now I am 33 years old, and, for some reason, someone threw me a bone and awarded me an actual paid comic book artist gig. Not only that, it pays well for a brand new artist with no professional experience.

Not sure how this happened. Well, actually, I do know. I just answered an ad on Craigslist. I was looking for a part-time job, happened across an ad for local comic book guys, answered it thinking "what do I have to loose?" Somehow got it. This was about a month ago or so. Actually, maybe closer to 3.5 weeks ago. Something like that.

Anyway, today I spoke to my editor/publisher/owner and he said to run with a project he wanted me to do. He provided me with an eleven page, detailed plot/short story, which I will create a script out of, and draw 20-25 pages of art. Letter it. Hand it in. Get paid. God, I hope it is that easy.

We'll see. I hear comic book guys go on and on about staying up well past midnight, working 12 hour days, and still not meeting deadlines. Then, I think of Jack Kirby and how he drew 80 pages in a single month, month after month after month. Then I think I can do it. My plan is to devote 25 hours a week to the comic book, and hopefully get at least 5 pages done per week. Pencils and inks. So, within a month, I should have 20 pages done, at least.

Work from 8:30-11:30 each night during the week, and 5 hours each on Saturday and Sunday = 25 hours. Therefore I will still get enough sleep each night, and I won't wreck my free time to complete oblivion.

So, day 1, start scripting out the comic book. I'm hoping to get this done this week, and start drawing as early as next Monday.

I'll let you know how it goes. I'll post again tomorrow.

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