Thursday, June 23, 2011

It's coming along...

I had a productive day yesterday. While I didn't start writing until well past 9pm (chores, we went grocery shopping, it's tough to do those things during the week and get home with a semblence of any free time left), but I got four pages done. Best night so far. I've a total of eight pages written.

It is interesting writing a script 1) based on someone else's short story 2) knowing that you will be the one drawing it. I try to write so someone else could draw it, but leave enough there for them to come up with their own ideas; but I leave enough there for me to remember what I was intending.

I found myself writing narative in the script, then going back to the short story, and find out on the next page that it contradicts what I wrote in the script. I had to re-write some stuff. It's fine, but it's easy to get ahead of myself with an idea, and then realize that it goes against the story too much. Ack.

I try my best to refer to the story as much as I can, but when there is stuff there that comes up later and contradicts mine, well, either I leave my idea, or I follow the story as it was intended. Since I'm a Work-for-Hire guy, and this is not my property, well, I lean toward playing it safe and changing it to match the story. My publisher is giving me a lot of latitude with the project, but the least I can do is keep the majority of his ideas intact.

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